Harbor Keycloak Auth
Harbors easy OIDC authentication configuration.
Loving Harbor as much as I am? Looking for a way to secure your Harbor installation? In this blog post we'll deploy Keycloak and configure it as the authentication provider for Harbor.
You'll need a publicly accessible Kubernetes cluster and TLS certificates to secure the ingresses.
I'm deploying with helm
against a public GKE cluster with cert-manager
installed and configured for issuing ACME production certificates.
Configure the helm
repos for Keycloak and Harbor:
helm repo add codecentric https://codecentric.github.io/helm-charts
helm repo add harbor https://helm.goharbor.io
Create the Kubernetes namespaces then install the charts:
kubectl create namespace keycloak
helm upgrade --install --namespace keycloak keycloak \
--set keycloak.ingress.enabled=true \
--set keycloak.ingress.annotations."kubernetes\.io/ingress\.class"=nginx \
--set keycloak.ingress.hosts[0]="keycloak.example.com" \
--set keycloak.ingress.tls[0].hosts[0]="keycloak.example.com" \
--set keycloak.ingress.tls[0].secretName=example-com-tls \
--set keycloak.persistence.dbVendor=postgres \
--set keycloak.persistence.deployPostgres=true \
--set postgresql.postgresqlUser=keycloak \
--set postgresql.postgresqlDatabase=keycloak \
--set postgresql.persistence.enabled=true \
--set postgresql.replication.enabled=true \
--set postgresql.replication.slaveReplicas=2 \
--set postgresql.replication.synchronousCommit="on" \
--set postgresql.replication.numSynchronousReplicas=1 \
--set postgresql.metrics.enabled=true \
kubectl create namespace harbor
helm upgrade --install --namespace harbor harbor \
--set expose.type=ingress \
--set expose.tls.enabled=true \
--set expose.tls.secretName=example-com-tls \
--set expose.ingress.hosts.core=harbor.example.com \
--set expose.ingress.hosts.notary=notary.example.com \
--set expose.ingress.annotations."kubernetes\.io/ingress\.class"=nginx \
--set persistence.enabled=true \
--set externalURL=https://harbor.example.com \
--set logLevel=info \
Tip: wait for the Keycloak pods using
kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pod/keycloak-0 -n keycloak
Keycloak needs to be setup first, login to the Keycloak instance and create a new realm for Harbor.
Keycloak does not recommend using the initial master realm for an organizations applications so we'll add a new realm in Keycloak for Harbor:
Create a harbor client in the new realm:
Enable authorization on the client:
Note: the redirect URI is for example purposes and should be updated for your installation.
Create a group in keycloak that will be used to grant permissions in Harbor:
Create a memberof Group Membership Mapper for the harbor client:
Take a copy of the client secret that we'll need later for configuring Harbor:
Configure Harbor with the Keycloak instance from the Configuration page (super simple!):
We'll test with a Keycloak system user however for production I'd suggest configuring the Harbor Keycloak client with an Identity Provider.
Create an ops user in keycloak:
Login to Harbor as the ops user:
Copy the CLI Secret for authenticating to the
registry from the users profile:
Login to the
registry:docker login https://harbor.example.com -u ops -p $CLI_SECRET
Attempt to push an image:
Add the ops user to the harbor group:
Configure the registries harbor group membership:
Note: I would advise against adding the group as Project Admin for production deployments.
- Push the image:
I really like the Harbor project, wrapping chartmuseum
, docker
registries, clair
image vulnerability scanning and notary
for signing images, so nice! All that with an easy to configure OIDC authentication setup and a stunning User Interface, I'm wow'd. From zero to production in minutes! Next steps: automate all the things!